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proxenoi of this community attested proxenoi of this community attested
proxenoi attested at this community proxenoi attested at this community
Attestation Date of proxeny Granting community Context(/s) of proxenos proxenos Honours
Knoepfler, Décrets érétriens no. II (IG XII 9 187A) 411 BC  Eretria (IACP no. 370) Tarentum/Taras (IACP no. 71)
  • Hēgelochos
proxenia (1); euergesia (2); ateleia (1); proedria (1); hereditary grant (1); (other honours/comments: sitesis);
IG I³ 118 408/7 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Selymbria (IACP no. 679) proxenia (1);
IG I³ 126 405/4 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Gortyn (IACP no. 960)
  • Polypos, son of Menesthenēs
proxenia (1); euergesia (1); publication clause (1);
IG XII Suppl. 245 400-350 BC  Andros (IACP no. 475) unknown
    proxenia (1); politeia (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: isoteleia);
    Xen. Anab. 5.6.11 400 BC  kingdom of Paphlagonia Sinope (IACP no. 729) proxenia (1);
    IG II² 49 399-375 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Abydos (IACP no. 765) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); hereditary grant (1);
    IG II² 78 399-375 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Argos (IACP no. 347) proxenia (2); euergesia (1); praise (2); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); epimeleia (2); stereotypical proxenos description (2);
    Agora 16 33 398-390 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) unknown
      proxenia (1); euergesia (1); (other honours/comments: stereo);
      IG II² 19 394/3 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Rhodes (IACP no. 1000)
      • Phil[-]
      proxenia (2); euergesia (1); politeia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: politeia granted in a rider to the main decree);
      SEG 61 645 389-349 BC  Pantikapaion/Bosporos, kingdom of (IACP no. 705) Apollonia (IACP no. 682)
      • Apol-, son of Noumēnios
      proxenia (2); ateleia (2); enktesis (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1);
      IG II² 23 388/7 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Chios (IACP no. 840)
        proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1);
        IG II² 29 386 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Parion (IACP no. 756) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: specific services described: passing on information about ship movements (which the generals, in the event, failed to heed) xenia);
        IG II² 2a + SEG 32 38 382/1  Athens (IACP no. 361) Plataia (IACP no. 216); koinon of the Boiotians (sanctuary of Athena Itonia) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1);
        SEG 32 50 379/8 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) unknown
        • Euryphōn
        proxenia (3); praise (3); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); xenia (4);
        SEG 63 74 373/2 BC?  Athens (IACP no. 361) Korkyra (IACP no. 123)
          proxenia (1); (other honours/comments: Reference in the motivation clause of an Athenian decree to pre-existing proxenoi coming from their own community (probably Korkyra) and a letter - perhaps to make an appeal for Athenian aid when the Spartans were besieging Korkyra (Matthaiou).);
          IG II² 106 368/7 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Sparta/Lakedaimon (IACP no. 345) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); (other honours/comments: Decree initiated by report from Athenian ambassadors (presumably of Koroibos' support at Sparta for their mission).);
          SEG 58 447 366-364 BC  koinon of the Boiotians (sanctuary of Athena Itonia) unknown
          • Hermokritos
          • Ped...os
          proxenia (2); euergesia (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1);
          Xen. Hell. 7.2.16 366 BC  Phleious (IACP no. 355) Pellene (IACP no. 240) proxenia (1);
          IG II² 141 365-352 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Sidon
          • Stratōn, king of Sidon
          IG XII 7 5 (RO 51) 357/6 BC  Arkesine (IACP no. 472) Athens (IACP no. 361) military commander/mercenary proxenia (1); euergesia (1); crown (1); ateleia (1); hereditary grant (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); specific description of services (1); (other honours/comments: gold cr.; description of the services performed by Androtion, during his term as governor of an Athenian garrison of Andros, including 'not distressing the citizens or visiting foreigners', lending money without interest, advancing the pay for the garrison, and ransoming prisoners of war);
          I.Labraunda 40 (RO 55) 350s BC?  Maussōllos, satrap of Karia Knosos (IACP no. 967)
            proxenia (1); euergesia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); epimeleia (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); (other honours/comments: collective grant by Maussolus and Artemisia to all the Knossians);
            I.Olbia 9 350-325 BC?  Olbia/Borysthenes (IACP no. 690) Byzantion (IACP no. 674) proxenia (2); politeia (1); ateleia (2); hereditary grant (1);
            SEG 18 772 350-320 BC  Euesperides (IACP no. 1026) Syracuse (IACP no. 47) proxenia (1); hereditary grant (1);
            SEG 53 796 349-311 BC  Pantikapaion/Bosporos, kingdom of (IACP no. 705) Kromna (IACP no. 723) proxenia (1); ateleia (1);
            Aeschin. 2.89 347 BC  Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372) Athens (IACP no. 361) proxenia (2); (other honours/comments: for the argument, surely correct, that this and Dem. 18.81 are to be read as references to a relationship of proxeny, see Hennig, Chiron 27, p.355-6);
            SEG 34 774 344-310 BC  Pantikapaion/Bosporos, kingdom of (IACP no. 705) unknown proxenia (1); ateleia (2); enktesis (1);
            IG II³ 317 (=IG II² 238) 338/7 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Andros (IACP no. 475) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1); crown (1); eisodos (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); xenia (1);
            IG II³ 322 (=IG II² 240) 337/6 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) koinon of the Macedonians/kingdom of Macedon
            • [-]ios, son of Andromenēs
            royal friend
            proxenia (1); euergesia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); epimeleia (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); specific description of services (1); xenia (1); (other honours/comments: References to services performed by honorand for Athenians at the court of Philip II);
            IG II³ 432 337-322 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Akragas (IACP no. 9) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1); enktesis (1); proedria (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); specific description of services (1); xenia (1); (other honours/comments: Sōpatros is specifically praised for doing his best to ensure the plentiful provision of corn at Athens);
            SEG 52 135 334/3 BC  Salamis (IACP no. 1020) Athens (IACP no. 361) proxenia (1); praise (1); crown (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); specific description of services (1); (other honours/comments: Interpreted as the decree of an association (thiasos?) of Salaminians at Athens on basis of Athens-internal references (identification of honorand by demotic not ethnic; Athenian archon date 'in the archonship of Euainetos he assisted in doing whatever good he could and showed his eunoia'). However decreeing authority ('Salaminians') and way in which he is described in relation to it seems to presents this as a quasi-polis-decree of Salamis.);
            Carapanos, Dodone p.39 n.1 (SEG 50 543) 334-330 BC  Molossian koinon [PLACEMARKER] Zakynthos (IACP no. 141) proxenia (1); hereditary grant (1);
            IG II³ 340 (= IG II² 339a) 333/2 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Chios (IACP no. 840)
              proxenia (1); (other honours/comments: Document relief, see notes (Lawton, no. 42));
              IG II³ 343 (= IG II ² 368) 332/1 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361)
              • Theophantos
              proxenia (1); euergesia (1); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); (other honours/comments: This stele bears a subsequent decree dating to 323/2 BC, presumably granting additional honours to Theophantos.);
              IG II³ 344 332/1 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361)
                proxenia (1); euergesia (2); praise (3); crown (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: golden crown);
                IG II³ 347 (= IG II ² 347) 332/1 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Andros (IACP no. 475) proxenia (1); euergesia (2); praise (1); crown (1); hereditary grant (3); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: ivy crown; praise (unusually but, in the case of a comic poet, approriately) for dikaiosune; possibly unusual stereotypical description in motivation formula);
                IG II³ 367 (=IG II² 360) 325/4  Athens (IACP no. 361) Salamis (IACP no. 1020) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); enktesis (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); specific description of services (1); (other honours/comments: gold crown; isoteleia (including military service in Athenian units); Herakleides' gifts of grain and contribution at an epidosis);
                IG II³ 379 323/2? BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Sidon
                • Apollōnidēs, son of Dēmētrios
                proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1); crown (1); enktesis (1); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); (other honours/comments: gold crown; the motivation clause is explicitly based on the report of 'merchants and shipowners' of Apollōnidēs);
                IG II³ 375 (=IG II² 365) 323/2 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Kleonai (IACP no. 351) proxenia (1); (other honours/comments: Lapuris, already a proxenos, is granted deipnon at the Prytaneion (suggesting he was already also a citizen), and for the decree to be inscribed on the acropolis on the decree in which the proxenia for Echembrotos, Lapuris' ancestor, was inscribed);
                IG II³ 383 322/1 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361)
                  proxenia (1); euergesia (1); enktesis (1); hereditary grant (1);
                  IG II² 542 322-303 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361)
                    proxenia (1); praise (3); crown (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); xenia (1); (other honours/comments: crown (gold, 500 dr.); ambassadors (presbeis) invited to xenia - it is possible but not certain that these are the recipients of proxeny);
                    REA 117 (2015) p.371-409 321/0 BC  Pidasa (IACP no. 925) Methymna (IACP no. 797)
                    • -ēs, son of Mikiōn
                    royal friend
                    proxenia (1); politeia (1); crown (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); specific description of services (1); xenia (1); (other honours/comments: gold cr.; honorific decree for three officers (epimeletai) appointed by Asandros, satrap of Caria, two with ethnics (Methymna and Chalkis) and one without, mentioning specific services in relation to public revenues);
                    REA 117 (2015) p.371-409 321/0 BC  Pidasa (IACP no. 925) Chalkis (IACP no. 365)
                    • Simaliōn (son of Apollodōros?)
                    • A[po]l[lo]d[ō]ros, son of Apollodōros
                    royal friend
                    proxenia (1); politeia (1); crown (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); specific description of services (1); xenia (1); (other honours/comments: gold cr.; honorific decree for three officers (epimeletai) appointed by Asandros, satrap of Caria, two with ethnics (Methymna and Chalkis) and one without, mentioning specific services in relation to public revenues);
                    I.Rhod.Peraia 701 319/8 BC  Pladasa (IACP no. 926) Plataia (IACP no. 216) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); politeia (1); enktesis (1); specific description of services (1); (other honours/comments: specific reference to the honorand forgiving part of a debt, to the sum of 210 gold staters);
                    Fouilles de Delphes III.1:410 318-305 BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Pitane (IACP no. 830) proxenia (1); ateleia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
                    SEG 53 797 309-304 BC  Pantikapaion/Bosporos, kingdom of (IACP no. 705) unknown proxenia (1); politeia (1); ateleia (3);
                    IG II² 491 303/2 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Chalkis (IACP no. 365) proxenia (3); praise (1); crown (1); (other honours/comments: gold crowns for all 6 Chalkidian honorands because of their 'arete towards the demos of the Athenians and those of the Greeks fighting alongside king Demetrius');
                    IG II³ 848 (=IG II² 722) 301-295 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361)
                    • Mikaliōn, son of Philōn
                    proxenia (3); crown (2); enktesis (1); publication clause (1); proxenia (1); euergesia (2); praise (1); crown (1); enktesis (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1);
                    IG II³ 847 (= Agora 16 164) 301-295 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Alexandria
                      SEG 56 663 (Mack ZPE 188, 155-8) 300-167 BC  unknown unknown
                      • Kleolas
                      proxenia (1);
                      IG II³ 864 (= IG II² 651) 286/5 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361)
                      • Habrōn
                      proxenia (1); praise (1); crown (2); enktesis (1); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); specific description of services (1); (other honours/comments: probable reference to corn supply);
                      IG II³ 864 (= IG II² 651) 286/5 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Nasos (IACP no. 823) proxenia (1); praise (1); crown (2); enktesis (1); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); specific description of services (1); (other honours/comments: probable reference to corn supply);
                      IG II³ 966 (=IG II² 582) 286-262 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361)
                        proxenia (2); euergesia (3); enktesis (1); hereditary grant (1);
                        IG II³ 932 (= IG II² 723) 285-280? BC  Athens (IACP no. 361)
                        • Onoma-
                        proxenia (2); euergesia (1); crown (2); enktesis (3);
                        OGIS 51 (Le Guen, Les Associations de Technites dionysiaques, no.60) 285-246 BC  association of Dionysos and the brother gods (Ptolemais) unknown
                        • Artemidōros
                        • Dēmētrios
                        • Dionysios
                        • Phaidimos
                        • Spoudiaios
                        proxenia (1); (other honours/comments: a list of 5 proxenoi (without patronyms or ethnics) who seem to be listed as associate members of the konion alongside other lists of members dividing members of the community by professional specification; proxenoi here distinct from (and listed immediately above), philotechnitai);
                        IG XI 4 631 284-230 BC  Delos (IACP no. 478) Kyrene (IACP no. 1028) military commander/mercenary proxenia (1); euergesia (1); politeia (2); praise (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); proedria (1); eisodos (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                        ZPE 180 (2012), p.180 T5c 280-279 BC  koinon of the Aitolians (Thermon) Neon/Tithorea (IACP no. 187); koinon of the Phokians (IACP p.399-402;Phokikon)
                        • Kōleōn, son of Euthynous
                        proxenia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: isopoliteia);
                        Fouilles de Delphes III.4:408 277/6 BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177)
                        • Hermaphilos
                        proxenia (1); ateleia (2); asylia (3); prodikia (2); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (2);
                        Fouilles de Delphes III.4:408 275/4 BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) koinon of the Macedonians/kingdom of Macedon
                        • [-]nios, son of Dēmētrios
                        proxenia (1); euergesia (1); ateleia (3); asylia (3); proedria (3); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Probably also promanteia);
                        ZPE 180 (2012), p.185 T9 269/8-265/4 BC  koinon of the Aitolians (Thermon)
                          proxenia (2); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                          Milet I 3 96 265/4 BC  Miletos (IACP no. 854) unknown
                          • Artemidōros, son of Skylax
                          • Eukratēs, son of Menōn
                          • Kratontidēs, son of Pausanias
                          proxenia (1); euergesia (1);
                          IG XII 9 1187 264/3 BC  Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372) Echinos (IACP no. 429) proxenia (1);
                          IG XII 9 1187 264/3 BC  Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372) Sidon
                          • Theudōros, son of Dionysios
                          proxenia (1);
                          IG XII 9 1187 264/3 BC  Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372) Athens (IACP no. 361) proxenia (1);
                          IG XII 9 1187 264/3 BC  Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372) koinon of the Phokians (IACP p.399-402;Phokikon) proxenia (1);
                          IG XII 9 1187 264/3 BC  Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372) Syracuse (IACP no. 47) proxenia (1);
                          IG XII 9 1187 264/3 BC  Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372) Phaselis (IACP no. 942) proxenia (1);
                          IG XII 9 1187 264/3 BC  Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372) Samos (IACP no. 864) proxenia (1);
                          IG XII 9 1187 264/3 BC  Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372) Tenedos (IACP no. 793) proxenia (1);
                          IG XII 9 1187 264/3 BC  Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372) Tarentum/Taras (IACP no. 71) proxenia (1);
                          IG XII 9 1187 264/3 BC  Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372) Kyrene (IACP no. 1028) proxenia (1);
                          IG XII 9 1187 264/3 BC  Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372) koinon of the Aitolians (Thermon); Delphic Amphictyony [PLACEMARKER] proxenia (1);
                          IG XII 9 1187 264/3 BC  Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372) koinon of the Western Lokrians (Athena Ilias, near Physkeis); Delphic Amphictyony [PLACEMARKER] proxenia (1);
                          IG XII 9 1187 264/3 BC  Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372) Herakleia Trachinia (IACP no. 430); Delphic Amphictyony [PLACEMARKER] proxenia (1);
                          IG XII 9 1187 264/3 BC  Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372) Halikarnassos (IACP no. 886) proxenia (1);
                          IG XII 9 1187 264/3 BC  Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372) Halikarnassos (IACP no. 886) royal friend proxenia (1);
                          IG XII 9 1187 264/3 BC  Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372) Herakleia Trachinia (IACP no. 430) proxenia (1);
                          IG XII 9 1187 264/3 BC  Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372) Kytinion (IACP no. 392) proxenia (1);
                          IG XII 9 1187 264/3 BC  Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372) Echinos (IACP no. 429) proxenia (1); proxenia (1);
                          IG XII 9 1187 264/3 BC  Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372) Kalchedon (IACP no. 743) proxenia (1);
                          IG XII 9 1187 264/3 BC  Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372) Aigeai (IACP no. 529); koinon of the Macedonians/kingdom of Macedon proxenia (1);
                          IG XII 9 1187 264/3 BC  Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372) Kyzikos (IACP no. 747) proxenia (1);
                          IG XII 9 1187 264/3 BC  Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372) Tenedos (IACP no. 793) proxenia (1);
                          IG XII 9 1187 264/3 BC  Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372) Aigeira (IACP no. 230); koinon of the Achaians proxenia (1);
                          IG XII 9 1187 264/3 BC  Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372) Erythrai (IACP no. 845) proxenia (1);
                          IG XII 9 1187 264/3 BC  Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372) Larisa Kremaste (IACP no. 437) proxenia (1);
                          IG XII 9 1187 264/3 BC  Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372) Thessalonike ; koinon of the Macedonians/kingdom of Macedon proxenia (1);
                          IG IX 1² 1:17 263 BC  koinon of the Aitolians (Thermon) Larisa (IACP no. 401); koinon of the Thessalians (Itonion) proxenia (1);
                          ZPE 180 (2012), p.185 T10 262/1 BC  koinon of the Aitolians (Thermon)
                            proxenia (2);
                            IG II³ 1073 (=IG II² 801) 262-239 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Klazomenai (IACP no. 847) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1); crown (1); enktesis (1); hereditary grant (3); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: gold crown);
                            IG II³ 1077 (=IG II² 732) 262-230 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361)
                              proxenia (2); euergesia (1); praise (1); crown (1); enktesis (1); hereditary grant (3); (other honours/comments: gold crown);
                              IG XI 4 615 260-250 BC  Delos (IACP no. 478) Chalkis (IACP no. 365) proxenia (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); eisodos (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                              SEG 30 1120 (Decreti di Entella B1) 254-241 BC  Entella (Sicily) Antium (Italy)
                              • Teberios Klaudios, son of Gaios
                              proxenia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1);
                              ZPE 180 (2012), p.187 T12b 251/0-249/8 or 243/2 BC  koinon of the Aitolians (Thermon)
                              • Kyros, son of Leontiskos
                              proxenia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                              SEG 34 1256 246-221 BC  Priapos (IACP no. 758) unknown proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1); proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1);
                              IG XI 4 642 241-232 BC  Delos (IACP no. 478) Canusium proxenia (1); euergesia (1); enktesis (1); proedria (1); eisodos (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                              IG XI 4 652 240-230 BC  Delos (IACP no. 478) Phokaia (IACP no. 859) proxenia (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); proedria (1); eisodos (1); hereditary grant (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                              IG XI 4 661 240-230 BC  Delos (IACP no. 478) unknown
                              • Athēnis
                              proxenia (1);
                              IG XII 9 1186 232-220 BC  Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372) Sinope (IACP no. 729) ambassador (other honours/comments: reciprocal Histiaian decree, responding to an embassy from Sinope bearing a decree granting honours and privileges for the Histiaians at Sinope by granting similar privileges privileges (including isopoliteia and isoteleia) to all Sinopeans at Histiaia);
                              SEG 59 1355 231 BC  Miletos (IACP no. 854)
                              • Antipatros
                              • Charimenēs
                              • Dēmētrios
                              • Kallipp-
                              • Nikias, son of Ap-
                              • Nikokratēs
                              • Philokratēs
                              • Prodikos
                              proxenia (1); euergesia (1);
                              SEG 58 987.I 225-200 BC  Gortyn (IACP no. 960) Iasos (IACP no. 891) proxenia (2); hereditary grant (1);