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proxenoi of this community attested proxenoi of this community attested
proxenoi attested at this community proxenoi attested at this community
Attestation Date of proxeny Granting community Context(/s) of proxenos proxenos Honours
IG IX 1² 4:1196 (I.Magnesia 44) b.208 BC  Korkyra (IACP no. 123) Magnesia on the Maiander (IACP no. 852) proxenia (1); praise (1); hereditary grant (1); (other honours/comments: invitation to the prytaneion);
IG IX 1² 4:1582 (I.Magnesia 35) b.208 BC  Same (IACP no. 136) Magnesia on the Maiander (IACP no. 852) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1); xenia (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: invitation to the prytaneion and the common hearth; payment of an enekecheron);
IG IX 1² 4:1729 (I.Magnesia 36) b.208 BC  Ithaka (IACP no. 122) Magnesia on the Maiander (IACP no. 852) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1); publication clause (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: 2 extra copies of decree to be set up, one in the Odysseion, one in the temple of Athena);
BCH 94 (1970), p.144 b.200 BC?  Thebes (IACP no. 221) Tenedos (IACP no. 793)
    proxenia (1); euergesia (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (2); hereditary grant (1);
    Appian Hist. Mac. 11.7 b.171 BC  Rome Brentesion/Brundisium (IACP no. 78)
    • Erennios
    proxenia (1); politeia (1);
    I.Lindos 16 app. b. 411 BC  Lindos (IACP no. 997) Naukratis (IACP no. 1023)
    • Damoxenos, son of Hermōn
    proxenia (1); euergesia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: publication ordered both in the temple of Athena at Lindos and in the Hellenion at Naukratis (surviving copy));
    Xen.Hell.4.5.6 b. 390 BC  koinon of the Boiotians (sanctuary of Athena Itonia) Sparta/Lakedaimon (IACP no. 345) proxenia (1);
    IG II² 53 b. 387/6 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) unknown
    • Philytos
    proxenia (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); xenia (1); (other honours/comments: court of polemarch);
    IG II² 57 b. 387/6 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) unknown
      proxenia (1); euergesia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1);
      IG II² 63 b. 378/7 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Kleonai (IACP no. 351) proxenia (1); euergesia (2); publication clause (1);
      IG II² 54 b. 378/7 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) unknown
        proxenia (1); euergesia (2); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (2); xenia (1);
        IG II² 76 b. 378/7 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Byzantion (IACP no. 674) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1);
        Xen. Hell. 6.1.4 b. 374 BC  Sparta/Lakedaimon (IACP no. 345) Pharsalos (IACP no. 413) proxenia (1);
        IG II² 172 b. 353/2 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) unknown
        • D[ēmocha]ris, son of Nymphaios, grandson of N[-]
        proxenia (1);
        I.Ephesos 1389 b. 322/1 BC  Ephesos (IACP no. 844) Kyrene (IACP no. 1028)
        • --, son of Kleōn
        proxenia (1); politeia (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); hereditary grant (1); (other honours/comments: stele decorated with a relief depicting a wagon (the hindlegs of a horse are also visible on the surviving fr.)); proxenia (1); praise (1); crown (1); publication clause (1);
        I.Ephesos 1459 b. 320 BC  Ephesos (IACP no. 844) Kaphyai (IACP no. 275); koinon of the Arkadians (sanctuary of Zeus Lykaios) proxenia (1); politeia (1); hereditary grant (1);
        IG XII 4 129-130 b. 301 BC  Samos (IACP no. 864) Kos (IACP no. 497) royal friend proxenia (3); euergesia (3); politeia (1); praise (3); publication clause (2);
        IG XII 4 129-130 b. 301 BC  unknown Kos (IACP no. 497) royal friend proxenia (1); praise (1); crown (1);
        IG XII 4 129-130 b. 301 BC  Gryneion/Gryneia (IACP no. 809) Kos (IACP no. 497) royal friend proxenia (1); politeia (1); crown (1); ateleia (4); enktesis (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
        IG XII 4 129-130 b. 301 BC  unknown Kos (IACP no. 497) royal friend proxenia (1);
        IG XII 4 129-130 b. 301 BC  unknown Kos (IACP no. 497) royal friend proxenia (1); euergesia (1); asylia (1);
        IG II³ 1159 (=IG II² 843) b. 217/6 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361)
          proxenia (1); euergesia (1);
          IG II³ 1270 (=IG II² 947) b. 190/89 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Pergamon (IACP no. 828) proxenia (1); praise (1); crown (1); enktesis (1); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: gold crown; limit on enktesis (1 talent for land, 3,000 dr. for house); text inscribed above a decree for one Theophilos, presumably a relative (a son?));
          Perlman (2000), City and Sanctuary A.4 (SEG 13 240) after 315 BC  Argos (IACP no. 347) Athens (IACP no. 361) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); theorodokia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1);
          Perlman (2000), City and Sanctuary A.7 after 315 BC  Argos (IACP no. 347) Epidauros (IACP no. 348) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); theorodokia (1); hereditary grant (1);
          Perlman (2000), City and Sanctuary A.6 (SEG 13 243) after 315 BC  Argos (IACP no. 347) Messene/Ithome (IACP no. 318) proxenia (2); euergesia (2); theorodokia (1); asylia (2); hereditary grant (2); stereotypical proxenos description (1);
          Perlman (2000), City and Sanctuary A.14 (SEG 17 142) after 315 BC  Argos (IACP no. 347) Rhodes (IACP no. 1000)
          • [-]stratos, son of Aristōnymos
          proxenia (2); euergesia (1); theorodokia (2); ateleia (1); asylia (1); publication clause (2); (other honours/comments: Additionally granted asphaleia );
          Perlman (2000), City and Sanctuary A.10 after 315 BC  Argos (IACP no. 347) unknown
            proxenia (2); theorodokia (2); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (2); hereditary grant (2); publication clause (2); stereotypical proxenos description (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
            Perlman (2000), City and Sanctuary A.9 (SEG 30 357) after 315 BC  Argos (IACP no. 347) Thrace [PLACEMARKER]
              proxenia (1); euergesia (1); theorodokia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1);
              IG XI 4 1042 after 285 BC  Nesiotic koinon [PLACEMARKER] Aigai (IACP no. 801) military commander/mercenary proxenia (1); euergesia (2); praise (1); proedria (2); hereditary grant (2);
              IG XI 4 692 after 263 BC  Delos (IACP no. 478) Naupaktos (IACP no. 165); koinon of the Aitolians (Thermon) proxenia (2); ateleia (2); proedria (1); eisodos (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1);
              IG XI 4 664 after 240 BC  Delos (IACP no. 478) Thessalonike proxenia (1); (other honours/comments: He is subsequently crowned and praised publicly. Further honours are conferred by subsequent decree IG XI 4 665: two bronze statues of the proxenos are to be commissioned, one to be set up in the temple at Delos, the other sent to Thessalonike, inscribed with a description of his honours. It also organises the sending of an ambassador to accompany the statue and wreath and find an appropriate place for them in Thessalonike.);
              IG XI 4 681 after 239 BC  Delos (IACP no. 478) Chalkis (IACP no. 365) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); enktesis (1); eisodos (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Further honoured in IG XI 4 682: granted a crown, public proclamation and publication of his honours.);
              IG II³ 1140 (=IG II² 786) after 229/8 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) proxenia (2); praise (2); enktesis (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); specific description of services (1); (other honours/comments: foliage crown; value limits on enktesis (house, 3000 dr.; land, 2 tal.); references to specific services in relation to the purchase of Athenian freedom and harbour works; promoting relations with native polis; took thought for Athens 'as though own fatherland (patris)');
              IG II³ 1141 (=IG II² 835) after 229/8 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Kolophon/Old Kolophon (IACP no. 848) proxenia (1); praise (1); crown (1); enktesis (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); specific description of services (1); (other honours/comments: foliage crown; value limits on enktesis (house, 3000 dr.; land, 2 tal.); references to specific services in relation to the purchase of Athenian freedom and harbour works);
              IG XII 3 254 after 220 BC  Anaphe (IACP no. 474) Lyttos/Lyktos (IACP no. 974)
              • --, son of Nikagoras
              proxenia (1); euergesia (1); crown (1);
              IG XI 4 769 after 180 BC  Delos (IACP no. 478) Karthaia (IACP no. 492) proxenia (1); enktesis (1); proedria (1); eisodos (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
              SEG 63 560 AD 130/131   Chersonesos Pontica (IACP no. 695) Herakleia Pontike (IACP no. 715) proxenia (1); politeia (1); asylia (1); eisodos (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1);
              Milet I 3 115 a.85 BC  Miletos (IACP no. 854) Nikomedia
              • [Aristo]telēs, son of Ko[-]dos
              • Menelaos, son of [Mene]laos
              proxenia (1);
              Milet I 3 116 a.57 BC  Miletos (IACP no. 854) Alabanda/Antiocheia (IACP no. 870)
              • Sarapiōn, son of Hērakleidēs
              proxenia (1);
              I.Lindos 16 (Syll.³ 110) a.409 BC  Rhodes (IACP no. 1000) Naukratis (IACP no. 1023)
              • --, son of Pytheas
              proxenia (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1);
              IG II² 152 a.371/0  Athens (IACP no. 361) Ainos (IACP no. 641) proxenia (3);
              SEG 44 901 a.364 BC  Knidos (IACP no. 903) Thebes (IACP no. 221) proxenia (1); asylia (2); hereditary grant (1);
              IG II² 248 a.360-358 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Tarentum/Taras (IACP no. 71) proxenia (1);
              IG II² 129 a.356/5 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) unknown
              • [Zōp]yros, son of Ais[-]
              proxenia (1); euergesia (3); hereditary grant (2);
              IG VII 2418 a.355 BC  koinon of the Boiotians (sanctuary of Athena Itonia) Tenedos (IACP no. 793)
              • Athanodōros, son of Diōnysios
              proxenia (1);
              IG II³ 398 (=IG II² 149) a.348? BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372); koinon of the Euboians (Amarynthos) proxenia (1); euergesia (2); praise (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1);
              SEG 27 60 a.338 BC  koinon of the Boiotians (sanctuary of Athena Itonia) Athens (IACP no. 361)
              • Kallippidas, son of Theokleos
              proxenia (1); euergesia (1); hereditary grant (1);
              SEG 32 476 a.338 BC  koinon of the Boiotians (sanctuary of Athena Itonia) Pellene (IACP no. 240) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
              IG II³ 324 a.337/6  Athens (IACP no. 361) Amphilochian Argos (IACP no. 115); koinon of the Akarnanians (Aktion) doctor proxenia (1); euergesia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
              I.Priene² 15 a.334 BC  Priene (IACP no. 861) koinon of the Macedonians/kingdom of Macedon proxenia (1); politeia (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); eisodos (1); hereditary grant (1);
              IG IX 2 3b a.323 BC  koinon of the Ainianes (point: near Hypata) Athens (IACP no. 361) proxenia (1);
              Perlman (2000), City and Sanctuary A.3 (SEG 11 1084) a.315 BC  Argos (IACP no. 347) Pallantion (IACP no. 289) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); theorodokia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
              IG XII 6 23 a.306 BC  Samos (IACP no. 864) Elaia (IACP no. 807) royal friend proxenia (1); politeia (1); praise (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: politeia with selection of phyle etc by lot; stele to be set up in Heraion);
              IG XII 6 25 a.306 BC  Samos (IACP no. 864) koinon of the Macedonians/kingdom of Macedon royal friend proxenia (1); euergesia (1); politeia (1); praise (1); asylia (1); eisodos (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); epimeleia (1); (other honours/comments: politeia with selection of phyle and other divisions by lot; stele to be set up in Heraion);
              IG XII 6 29 a.306 BC  Samos (IACP no. 864) Kos (IACP no. 497) royal friend proxenia (2); euergesia (1); politeia (1); praise (3); eisodos (2); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: politeia with selection of phyle and other divisions by lot);
              IG XII 6 30 a.306 BC  Samos (IACP no. 864) Lykia [PLACEMARKER]
              • Dēmarchos, son of Tarōn
              military commander/mercenary
              proxenia (1); euergesia (1); politeia (1); praise (1); eisodos (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); epimeleia (1); (other honours/comments: politeia with selection of phyle and other divisions by lot; stele to be set up in Heraion);
              IG XII 6 31 a.306 BC  Samos (IACP no. 864) Kyrene (IACP no. 1028)
              • Hipparchos, son of Hēniochos
              royal friend
              proxenia (1); politeia (1); praise (1); asylia (1); eisodos (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: politeia with selection of phyle and other divisions by lot; stele to be set up in Heraion);
              IG XII 6 32 a.306 BC  Samos (IACP no. 864) Phaselis (IACP no. 942)
              • Timophanēs, son of Archepolis
              proxenia (1); euergesia (1); politeia (1); praise (1); asylia (1); eisodos (1); hereditary grant (2); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: politeia with selection of phyle and other divisions by lot);
              IG XII 6 56 a.306 BC  Samos (IACP no. 864) Aigina (IACP no. 358) royal friend proxenia (1); politeia (1); praise (1); crown (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); eisodos (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); epimeleia (1); (other honours/comments: politeia with selection of phyle and other divisions by lot; stele to be set up in Heraion );
              Knoepfler, Décrets érétriens no. XIV (IG XII 9 210) a.304 BC  Eretria (IACP no. 370) Alexandria Troas/Antigoneia royal friend proxenia (1); euergesia (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); eisodos (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: asphaleia);
              Knoepfler, Décrets érétriens no. 10 (IG XII 9 199) a.304 BC  Eretria (IACP no. 370) Amphipolis (IACP no. 553); koinon of the Macedonians/kingdom of Macedon proxenia (1); euergesia (1); ateleia (2); enktesis (2); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1);
              SEG 27 929 a.288 BC  Limyra Kaunos (IACP no. 898)
              • Amyntas, son of Euthōn
              • Sōsigenēs, son of Zōpyros
              royal friend
              proxenia (1); euergesia (1); politeia (1); praise (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1);
              Hatzopoulos (1996), Macedonian Institutions n.44 a.285 BC  Poteidaia/Kassandreia (IACP no. 598) Naupaktos (IACP no. 165); koinon of the Aitolians (Thermon) proxenia (3);
              IC III 4 2 (SEG 2 512) a.266 BC  Itanos (IACP no. 965) koinon of the Macedonians/kingdom of Macedon military commander/mercenary proxenia (1); euergesia (1); politeia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1);
              Milet I 3 99 a.228 BC  Miletos (IACP no. 854) koinon of the Macedonians/kingdom of Macedon proxenia (1); euergesia (1);
              Milet I 3 100 a.216 BC  Miletos (IACP no. 854)
              • Ep[-], son of [-]einios
              • Timōn, son of Nikatōr
              proxenia (2);
              Knoepfler, Décrets érétriens no. XXXI (I.Magnesia 48) a.208 BC  Eretria (IACP no. 370) Magnesia on the Maiander (IACP no. 852) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); crown (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); eisodos (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); epimeleia (1); xenia (1);
              IG VII 223 a.192 BC  Aigosthena (IACP no. 224) Megara (IACP no. 225) proxenia (1); enktesis (1); proedria (1); epinomia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Honorand to be sent a share of the sacrifice);
              SEG 26 392 a.191 BC  Elis (IACP no. 251) Corinth (IACP no. 227) foreign judge proxenia (2); politeia (1); ateleia (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Invitation to the communal hearth; asphaleia);
              IC II 3 5A a.189 BC  Aptara (IACP no. 947) Rome
              • [Kornē]lios Scipio, son of Poplios
              • Poplios Kornēl[ios]
              • Leukios Aim[ulios], son of Maarkos
              • Gnaios Kornēlios, son of Gnaios
              proxenia (2); euergesia (1); hereditary grant (2);
              SEG 57 1663 a.188 BC  Melanippion Phaselis (IACP no. 942) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); politeia (1); praise (1); crown (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); specific description of services (1); (other honours/comments: Specific description of the honorands advocacy on behalf of the city to make them friends and allies of the Rhodians (after Rhodian acquisition of Lykia in 188 BC) as a result of which the citizens are free to conduct their public life, in control of their own affairs.);
              IG VII 2383 (SEG 22 410) a.171 BC  Chorsiai (IACP no. 202) Thisbe (IACP no. 223) proxenia (1); euergesia (1);
              I.Bouthrotos 10 a.163 BC  koinon of the Prassaibioi (Bouthroton) Korkyra (IACP no. 123) proxenia (2); euergesia (2); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
              Milet I 3 105 a.155 BC  Miletos (IACP no. 854) Mylasa (IACP no. 913)
              • Sē[-], son of [-]drios
              proxenia (1);
              IG IX 2 69 a.146 BC  Lamia (IACP no. 431) Pelinnaion (IACP no. 409) proxenia (1); politeia (1); praise (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: isoteleia; asphaleia);
              Milet I 3 103 a.135 BC  Miletos (IACP no. 854) Syracuse (IACP no. 47) proxenia (1);
              IG I³ 110 a. 408/7 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Skiathos (IACP no. 520)
              • Oiniadēs
              proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: epimeleia; xenia);
              IG I³ 117 a. 407/6 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) koinon of the Macedonians/kingdom of Macedon king/tyrant/dynast proxenia (3); euergesia (3); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: stereo spec services: military services and the provision of ship-spars and oars to the Athenians );
              Agora 16 37 a. 394/3 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Ialysos (IACP no. 995)
                proxenia (1); euergesia (1); hereditary grant (1);
                IG II² 39 a. 379/8  Athens (IACP no. 361) Larisa (IACP no. 401)
                • Nikokratēs
                • Aristippos
                • Aretaios
                proxenia (1); euergesia (1); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: stereo);
                IG II² 130 + SEG XIX 49 a. 355/4 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Apollonia (IACP no. 545) proxenia (1); enktesis (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); specific description of services (1);
                IG II² 132 a. 355/4 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) unknown
                  IG II² 133 a. 355/4 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Sestos (IACP no. 672) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); epimeleia (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); specific description of services (1); xenia (1);
                  IG II² 136 a. 355/4 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Halikarnassos (IACP no. 886)
                  • Apollōnidēs
                  proxenia (2);
                  Hyp. fr.76 a. 348 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Olynthos (IACP no. 588) royal friend proxenia (1);
                  IG II³ 479 (=IG II² 422) a. 325? BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Histiaia/Oreos (IACP no. 372)
                  • G[-], son of Dioph[-]
                  proxenia (2); euergesia (2); praise (1); crown (1); enktesis (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); (other honours/comments: crown of leaves);
                  Horos 22-5 (2010-3), p.453-80 a. 246 BC  Siphnos (IACP no. 519) Seriphos (IACP no. 517)
                  • Amphicharēs, son of Amphicharēs
                  proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1); crown (1); asylia (1); eisodos (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); (other honours/comments: foliage crown; references to services performed in lending money for a dedicated grain fund);
                  IG XII 4 138 a. 241 BC  Samos (IACP no. 864) Kos (IACP no. 497) doctor proxenia (1); praise (1); crown (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); specific description of services (1); (other honours/comments: gold cr.; description both of medical services performed by Philistos to citizens visiting Kos as well as more generic proxenos services);
                  IG V 2 368 a. 221/0 BC  Kleitor (IACP no. 276) Mantinea/Antigoneia (IACP no. 281)
                    proxenia (3);
                    IG V 2 368 a. 221/0 BC  Kleitor (IACP no. 276) Sikyon (IACP no. 228)
                    • Andr-, son of -ias
                    proxenia (3);
                    SEG 55 409 90-80 BC  Argos (IACP no. 347) Kleitor (IACP no. 276) proxenia (1);
                    AE (1910) p.344, no.3 (SEG 57 512) 88/87 BC  Larisa (IACP no. 401) Rome
                    • Koinktos, son of Titos
                    military commander/mercenary
                    proxenia (1); politeia (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1); specific description of services (1); (other honours/comments: epigamia);
                    Cicero, Ver. 2.4.145 70 BC  Syracuse (IACP no. 47) Rome
                    • Lucius Tullius Cicero
                    • M. Tullius Cicero
                    proxenia (1); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); (other honours/comments: Cicero describes the immediate inscription of the decree on a bronze tablet);
                    SEG 63 324 550-510 BC  Elis (IACP no. 251) proxenia (1); hereditary grant (1); (other honours/comments: Bronze plaque with four nail holes and the following brief text: 'Ἀλκισθένες καὶ γενεὰ| πρόξενος το̃ν ϝαλείο<ν> | ἴνγυος Ξεννίας'. );
                    Le Guen, Les Associations de Technites dionysiaques, no.76 47-45 BC  association of the artists of Aphrodite Hilara (Syracuse) Rome
                    • Maarkos Akilios Kaninos, son of Maarkos
                    military commander/mercenary
                    proxenia (1); euergesia (1); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1);
                    IG II² 187 450-350 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361)
                      proxenia (2); euergesia (1);
                      IG IX 1² 2:390 425-400 BC  Stratos (IACP no. 138) Megara (IACP no. 225) proxenia (1); ateleia (1); hereditary grant (1); (other honours/comments: pronomia; propraxia);
                      Thuc. 5.43 420 BC  Sparta/Lakedaimon (IACP no. 345) Athens (IACP no. 361) proxenia (2);
                      Thuc. 5.59.5 418 BC  Sparta/Lakedaimon (IACP no. 345) Argos (IACP no. 347) proxenia (1);