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Granting authority: Athens (IACP no. 361)
Date range(s): 499-450 BC, 449-400 BC

59 found
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proxenoi of this community attested proxenoi of this community attested
proxenoi attested at this community proxenoi attested at this community
Attestation Date of proxeny Granting community Context(/s) of proxenos proxenos Honours
Aeschin. 3.258 f.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Zeleia (IACP no. 764) proxenia (1);
IG I³ 19 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) unknown
  • Acheloion
proxenia (2); euergesia (1); hereditary grant (3); (other honours/comments: Harm clause);
IG I³ 24 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) unknown
    proxenia (2); ateleia (1); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: access to court of polemarch without payment of prytaneion);
    IG I³ 155 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) unknown
    • Krisōn
    proxenia (1); euergesia (1); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: To be published both on stone stele and whitened board.);
    IG I³ 159 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) unknown
      proxenia (3); euergesia (3); eisodos (2);
      IG I³ 56 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) unknown
        proxenia (1); euergesia (2); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1);
        IG I³ 165 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) unknown
          proxenia (1); hereditary grant (2); publication clause (1);
          IG I³ 69 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) unknown
            proxenia (3); euergesia (3);
            IG I³ 167 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) unknown
              proxenia (2); praise (2); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: epimeleia, xenia);
              IG I³ 162 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) unknown proxenia (1); euergesia (2); praise (1); (other honours/comments: Harm clause (sanction clause));
              IG I³ 181 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) unknown
              • Proxenos
              proxenia (1); euergesia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: epimeleia);
              IG I³ 163 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) unknown
                proxenia (1); euergesia (1); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: xenia);
                IG I³ 182 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) unknown proxenia (2); euergesia (1); praise (1); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: spec: honorands praised for services in connection with shipbuilding);
                IG I³ 177 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) unknown
                • Xanthippos
                proxenia (2); (other honours/comments: stereo);
                IG I³ 164 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) unknown
                • Timanax
                proxenia (1); euergesia (2); ateleia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: stereo);
                IG I³ 95 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) unknown
                • Ana[...]
                proxenia (1); euergesia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1);
                IG I³ 121 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) unknown
                • Archi[-]
                proxenia (3);
                IG II² 172 v/iv BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) unknown
                • Nymphaios, son of N[-] and father of D[ēmocha]ris
                • N[-], father of Nymphaios, grandfather of D[ēmocha]ris
                proxenia (1);
                IG II² 117 b m.iv BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) unknown
                • Prōtomachos
                proxenia (1); euergesia (2); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); (other honours/comments: Decree initiated by report by Athenian ambassadors of Prōtomachos.);
                IG II² 180 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) unknown
                • Pyrrhos, son of [Achil]leus
                • Lykomēdēs, brother of Isodēmos, son of [Achil]leus
                proxenia (3);
                IG I³ 23 m.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Thespiai (IACP no. 222) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1);
                IG I³ 30 m.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Thera (IACP no. 527)
                • son of [. . .]stratos
                proxenia (4);
                Isoc. 15.166 f.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Thebes (IACP no. 221) proxenia (1); (other honours/comments: Gift of ten thousand drachma. );
                IG II² 17 + SEG 15 84 + 16 42 v/iv BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Thasos (IACP no. 526) proxenia (3); (other honours/comments: It is probable, but not certain, that Sthorys himself was a proxenos of the Athenians before his receipt of citizenship as his ancestors had been.);
                IG II² 17 + SEG 15 84 + 16 42 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Thasos (IACP no. 526)
                • forebears of Sthorys
                proxenia (1); euergesia (1);
                IG II² 6 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Thasos (IACP no. 526) proxenia (2); publication clause (2); (other honours/comments: It is probable that the five sons of Apēmantos received proxeny as a result of a hereditary grant made to their father (and that it was his stele which was destroyed by the thirty).);
                IG II² 6 v/iv BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Thasos (IACP no. 526) proxenia (1); publication clause (1);
                IG I³ 110 a. 408/7 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Skiathos (IACP no. 520)
                • Oiniadēs
                proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: epimeleia; xenia);
                IG I³ 1154 m.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Selymbria (IACP no. 679) proxenia (1);
                IG I³ 118 408/7 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Selymbria (IACP no. 679) proxenia (1);
                IG I³ 118 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Selymbria (IACP no. 679) proxenia (1);
                IG I³ 80 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Phleious (IACP no. 355) proxenia (1);
                Thuc. 8.92.8 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Pharsalos (IACP no. 413) proxenia (1);
                IG I³ 98 v/iv BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Phaistos (IACP no. 980) proxenia (1); euergesia (1);
                IG I³ 18 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Parion (IACP no. 756) proxenia (1);
                IG I³ 97 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Orchomenos (IACP no. 213) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1);
                Arist. Pol. 1304a9-10 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Mytilene (IACP no. 798)
                • Dexandros
                proxenia (1);
                Polemon Perieg. fr. 89 f.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Messapioi (IACP no. 163) king/tyrant/dynast proxenia (1);
                IG I³ 65 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Kolophon/Old Kolophon (IACP no. 848) proxenia (3); euergesia (1); eisodos (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: protection from judicial punishments not agreed by Athens );
                Hdt. 8.135 c.480 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) koinon of the Macedonians/kingdom of Macedon king/tyrant/dynast proxenia (1);
                IG I³ 117 a. 407/6 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) koinon of the Macedonians/kingdom of Macedon king/tyrant/dynast proxenia (3); euergesia (3); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: stereo spec services: military services and the provision of ship-spars and oars to the Athenians );
                IG I³ 91 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Knidos (IACP no. 903)
                • Proxenidēs, son of Proxenos
                proxenia (2); euergesia (3); ateleia (2); (other honours/comments: Harm clause; access to court of polemarch; ateleia (except the taxes paid by the Knidians at large to Athens); xenia; stereo);
                IG II² 63 v/iv BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Kleonai (IACP no. 351)
                • father of Echembrotos
                proxenia (2);
                IG I³ 227 + add. p. 955 c.424/3 BC?  Athens (IACP no. 361) Klazomenai (IACP no. 847) proxenia (1); euergesia (2); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); hereditary grant (1); (other honours/comments: Stereo; restitution clause Specific services described: aid given to an Athenian embassy to the Persian king (usually identified with the embassy of Epilykos, Andocides’ uncle, in 424/3 BC: Andoc. 3.29; Thuc. 4.50). This individual is to be identified with the Herakleides of Klazomenai who received the Athenian citizenship, and served prominently as a general (Osborne (1981-3), Naturalization in Athens, T 27). The first, mostly lost decree, dating from the fourth century BC, which presumably ordered Herakleides’ earlier proxeny to be re-inscribed on the same stele, is likely to have been Herakleides’ grant of Athenian citizenship. );
                SEG 51 67 (IG II² 3) v/iv BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Iasos (IACP no. 891)
                • Kydias, brother of Artemōn
                • Artemōn, brother of Kydias
                • Anaxagoras, son of Apollō[nidēs]
                proxenia (1); euergesia (1); hereditary grant (2); publication clause (1);
                Agora 16 37 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Ialysos (IACP no. 995) proxenia (1); euergesia (2); (other honours/comments: stele reinscribed for son (at his own expense) after destruction of stele for father by the Thirty Tyrants stereo);
                IG I³ 228 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Herbita (IACP no. 23) unlocated - Sicily; Alaisa/Halaesa (IACP no. 11) king/tyrant/dynast proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: Restitution clause; epimeleia);
                IG I³ 228 v/iv BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Herbita (IACP no. 23) unlocated - Sicily; Kentoripa (IACP no. 31) king/tyrant/dynast proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: Restitution clause; epimeleia);
                IG I³ 74 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Herakleia Pontike (IACP no. 715) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); hereditary grant (1);
                IG I³ 92 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Gyrton/Gyrtone (IACP no. 397); koinon of the Thessalians (Itonion) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1);
                Thuc. 2.85.5-6 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Gortyn (IACP no. 960) proxenia (1);
                IG I³ 126 405/4 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Gortyn (IACP no. 960)
                • Polypos, son of Menesthenēs
                proxenia (1); euergesia (1); publication clause (1);
                IG I³ 27 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Delphi (IACP no. 177)
                • A[....]
                proxenia (2); euergesia (1); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: Harm clause);
                Ion BNJ 392 F6 m.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Chios (IACP no. 840) proxenia (1);
                IG I³ 80 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Alea (IACP no. 265) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); publication clause (1);
                SEG 56 75 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Akanthos (IACP no. 559)
                • Polyklēs
                proxenia (1);
                IG I³ 28 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Abydos (IACP no. 765) proxenia (3); hereditary grant (1);
                Thuc. 2.29 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) Abdera (IACP no. 640) proxenia (1);
                IG I³ 174 s.v BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) koinon of the Achaians proxenia (1); euergesia (1); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: privileges relating to trade);