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proxenoi of this community attested proxenoi of this community attested
proxenoi attested at this community proxenoi attested at this community
Attestation Date of proxeny Granting community Context(/s) of proxenos proxenos Honours
BCH 64/65 (1940/1), p.92 iv/iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Knosos (IACP no. 967)
  • Dēmētrios, son of Epēratos
proxenia (1); euergesia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia; epitima);
BCH 105 (1981), p.419 iv/iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Ambrakia (IACP no. 113) proxenia (1); theorodokia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (2); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Probably also: promanteia);
BCH 52 (1928), p.216 no.20 iv/iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Skarpheia (IACP no. 387) proxenia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
BCH 52 (1928), p.217f. no.22 iv/iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Athens (IACP no. 361) proxenia (1); ateleia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
BCH 49 (1925), p.32 iv/iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) koinon of the Western Lokrians (Athena Ilias, near Physkeis) proxenia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
BCH 105 (1981), p.421 no.3 iv/iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Keian koinon
  • Elpikos, son of Elpikos
proxenia (1); proedria (2); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (2); all else given to proxenoi (3); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
BCH 73 (1949), p.264 §13 iv/iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177)
  • [--], son of Diphilos
proxenia (3); hereditary grant (2);
BCH 73 (1949), p.265 §14 iv/iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177)
  • [--], son of Nykteus
proxenia (2); euergesia (2); theorodokia (3); ateleia (1); proedria (3); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (2);
Fouilles de Delphes III.3:93 iv/iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Thebes (IACP no. 221) proxenia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
GGA 1913, p.146 & Flacelière (1937) App.II 12b iv/iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177)
  • Ni[-], son of Hērakleidēs
proxenia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
Fouilles de Delphes III.4:407 iv/iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Amphilochian Argos (IACP no. 115) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); ateleia (1); proedria (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia; epitima);
Fouilles de Delphes III.1:97 iv/iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Rhodes (IACP no. 1000) proxenia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
Fouilles de Delphes III.1:112 iv/iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Aigeai (IACP no. 529); koinon of the Macedonians/kingdom of Macedon proxenia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia; epitima);
Fouilles de Delphes III.1:165 iv/iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177)
  • Hermodotos, son of Potamōn
proxenia (1); euergesia (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
Fouilles de Delphes III.1:175 iv/iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Megara (IACP no. 225)
    proxenia (1); ateleia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
    Fouilles de Delphes III.1:407 iv/iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177)
      proxenia (2); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Probably also epitima);
      Fouilles de Delphes III.4:383 iv/iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Athens (IACP no. 361) proxenia (3);
      Perlman, City and Sanctuary, L.1 iv/iii BC  Lousoi (IACP no. 279) Charadra (IACP no. 175) proxenia (1); theorodokia (1); asylia (1); epinomia (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
      Perlman, City and Sanctuary, L.3 iv/iii BC  Lousoi (IACP no. 279) Kyparissos (IACP no. 317) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); theorodokia (1); hereditary grant (1);
      Perlman, City and Sanctuary, L.2 iv/iii BC  Lousoi (IACP no. 279) Charadra (IACP no. 175) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); theorodokia (1); enktesis (1); hereditary grant (1);
      Perlman, City and Sanctuary, L.4 iv/iii BC  Lousoi (IACP no. 279) Pharai (IACP no. 241)
      • Andr-
      proxenia (1); euergesia (3); theorodokia (1); hereditary grant (1);
      IG XII 7 7 iv/iii BC  Arkesine (IACP no. 472) Rhithymnos (IACP no. 987)
      • Agetimos
      proxenia (3); politeia (1); enktesis (3); asylia (1); eisodos (1); hereditary grant (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1);
      IG XII 7 8 iv/iii BC  Arkesine (IACP no. 472) Rhodes (IACP no. 1000) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); eisodos (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1);
      IG XII 7 9 iv/iii BC  Arkesine (IACP no. 472) Rhodes (IACP no. 1000) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1);
      I.Kaunos 7 iv/iii BC  Kaunos (IACP no. 898) unknown
      I.Atrax 6 iv/iii BC  Atrax (IACP no. 395)
        proxenia (1); politeia (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1); (other honours/comments: isotimia - also right to chose his tribe );
        SEG 13 239 m. v BC  Argos (IACP no. 347) Oinous (IACP no. 338) proxenia (1);
        IG V 1 1145 m.i BC  Gytheion (IACP no. 333) Sparta/Lakedaimon (IACP no. 345) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); enktesis (1); publication clause (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
        IG V 1 1146 m.i BC  Gytheion (IACP no. 333) Rome
        • Nemerios Kloatios, son of Nemerios
        • Maarkos Kloatios, son of Nemerios
        proxenia (1); euergesia (1); (other honours/comments: Subsequently honoured with proedria, specifically the right to sit with the ephors.);
        IG IX 2 219 m.i BC  Thaumakoi (IACP no. 443) Gyrton/Gyrtone (IACP no. 397) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
        IG IX 2 220 m.i BC  Thaumakoi (IACP no. 443)
          proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (2); publication clause (2); all else given to proxenoi (2);
          Fouilles de Delphes III.1:318 m.i BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177)
            proxenia (1); ateleia (2); enktesis (1); asylia (2); proedria (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (2); (other honours/comments: Probably also promanteia);
            Fouilles de Delphes III.1:227 m.i BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Argos (IACP no. 347) proxenia (1); praise (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
            Fouilles de Delphes III.4:45 m.i BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Rome
            • Titos Oariēnos Sabeinos, son of Titos
            proxenia (1); praise (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
            Fouilles de Delphes III.4:46 m.i BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Rome
            • Gaios Orkōnios, son of Gaios
            proxenia (1); praise (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (2); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (2); stereotypical proxenos description (1);
            BCH 70 (1946), p.247 m.i BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Smyrna (IACP no. 867) proxenia (2); praise (1); ateleia (2); asylia (1); proedria (2); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); all else given to proxenoi (2); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
            IOSPE I² 358 m.ii AD  Chersonesos Pontica (IACP no. 695) Sesamos/Amastris (IACP no. 728) proxenia (3); politeia (1); praise (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1);
            IOSPE I² 357 m.ii AD  Chersonesos Pontica (IACP no. 695) Herakleia Pontike (IACP no. 715) proxenia (1); politeia (1); praise (2); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1);
            IOSPE I² 359 m.ii AD  Chersonesos Pontica (IACP no. 695) Herakleia Pontike (IACP no. 715)
            • Dia[-], son of Dēmētrios
            proxenia (1); politeia (2); praise (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1);
            Fouilles de Delphes III.4:103 m.ii AD  Delphi (IACP no. 177)
            • Gaios, son of Xenōn
            proxenia (1); politeia (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
            Fouilles de Delphes III.4:91 m.ii AD  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Berytos
            • L. Kalbēnos Tauros
            proxenia (1); politeia (1); enktesis (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
            SEG 30 990 m.ii BC  Corinth (IACP no. 227) Athens (IACP no. 361) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); politeia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Clause on assignment of phyle and phratry);
            IG VII 2708 m.ii BC  Akraiphia/Akraiphnion (IACP no. 198) Kopai (IACP no. 209) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); hereditary grant (2); all else given to proxenoi (1);
            SEG 57 443 m.ii BC  Koroneia (IACP no. 210) Ephesos (IACP no. 844) poet/actor proxenia (1); praise (1); crown (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); specific description of services (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
            SEG 2 184 m.ii BC  Tanagra (IACP no. 220) Athens (IACP no. 361) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); xenia (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: asphaleia); proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); xenia (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: asphaleia);
            IG VII 514 m.ii BC  Tanagra (IACP no. 220)
              proxenia (3); euergesia (1); asylia (2); hereditary grant (2); all else given to proxenoi (2); (other honours/comments: isoteleia);
              IG VII 527 m.ii BC  Tanagra (IACP no. 220)
                proxenia (2); euergesia (1); asylia (2); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                I.Oropos 211 m.ii BC  Oropos (IACP no. 214) Delos (IACP no. 478) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: isoteleia);
                I.Oropos 214 m.ii BC  Oropos (IACP no. 214) Athens (IACP no. 361) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: isoteleia);
                I.Oropos 216 m.ii BC  Oropos (IACP no. 214) Chalkis (IACP no. 365)
                • Patrōn, son of Prōtarchos
                proxenia (1); euergesia (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: asphaleia);
                I.Oropos 217 m.ii BC  Oropos (IACP no. 214) Chalkis (IACP no. 365) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1); eisodos (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                IG IX 1² 3:667 m.ii BC  koinon of the Western Lokrians (Athena Ilias, near Physkeis) Aigion (IACP no. 231); koinon of the Achaians proxenia (1); euergesia (1); politeia (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                IG IX 1² 3:668 m.ii BC  koinon of the Western Lokrians (Athena Ilias, near Physkeis)
                  proxenia (1); euergesia (1); politeia (2); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                  IG IX 1² 3:721 m.ii BC  Chaleion (IACP no. 159) Aigion (IACP no. 231) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: isopoliteia; asphaleia);
                  IG IX 1² 2:209a m.ii BC  koinon of the Akarnanians (Aktion) Pergamon (IACP no. 828) proxenia (1); euergesia (2); enktesis (1); asylia (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: asphaleia);
                  IG IX 1² 2:209b m.ii BC  koinon of the Akarnanians (Aktion) Korkyra (IACP no. 123) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: enteleia; asphaleia);
                  IG IX 1² 2:208a m.ii BC  koinon of the Akarnanians (Aktion) Patrai (IACP no. 239) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); enktesis (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                  IG IX 1² 2:208a m.ii BC  koinon of the Akarnanians (Aktion) Rome
                  • Poplios Akilios, son of Poplios
                  • Leukios Akilios, son of Poplios
                  proxenia (1); euergesia (1); enktesis (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: asphaleia);
                  IG IX 1² 2:208b m.ii BC  koinon of the Akarnanians (Aktion)
                    proxenia (2); euergesia (3); all else given to proxenoi (2);
                    IG IX 1² 2:208c m.ii BC  koinon of the Akarnanians (Aktion) Leontinoi (IACP no. 33) proxenia (3); euergesia (3); enktesis (1); all else given to proxenoi (2); (other honours/comments: asphaleia);
                    IG IX 1² 2:588 m.ii BC  koinon of the Akarnanians (Aktion) Sparta/Lakedaimon (IACP no. 345) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: asphaleia);
                    IG IX 1² 1:34 m.ii BC  koinon of the Aitolians (Thermon)
                      proxenia (2); asylia (3);
                      IG IX 1² 1:34 m.ii BC  koinon of the Aitolians (Thermon)
                        proxenia (2); asylia (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: asphaleia);
                        IG IX 1² 1:34 m.ii BC  koinon of the Aitolians (Thermon) Dyme (IACP no. 234)
                        • --, son of Antandros
                        proxenia (2); enktesis (1); asylia (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: asphaleia);
                        IG IX 2 508 m.ii BC  koinon of the Thessalians (Itonion) Miletos (IACP no. 854)
                        • Pellanaios, son of K[-]
                        • Kaunios, son of Aristo[krat]ēs
                        • Philtēs, son of Hērakleitos
                        foreign judge
                        proxenia (1); euergesia (1); politeia (1); praise (1); crown (1); enktesis (2); asylia (2); hereditary grant (1); xenia (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: asphaleia; public crowning; politeia in all Thessalian cities);
                        SEG 56 586 m.ii BC  Kallion/Kallipolis (IACP no. 147) Drion? (otherwise unattested, Aitolia?)
                        • Praxōn, son of Kleōnymos
                        • Kleōnymos, son of Praxōn
                        proxenia (1);
                        IG IX 2 8 m.ii BC  koinon of the Ainianes (point: near Hypata)
                          foreign judge
                          proxenia (1); politeia (2); enktesis (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: asphaleia);
                          IG IX 2 215 m.ii BC  Thaumakoi (IACP no. 443) Larisa (IACP no. 401) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); politeia (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); epinomia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: asphaleia);
                          IG IX 2 218 m.ii BC  Thaumakoi (IACP no. 443) Larisa (IACP no. 401) proxenia (1); praise (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); epinomia (2); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: isopoliteia; asphaleia);
                          AE 1917, p.10-12 n.304 m.ii BC  Chyretiai (IACP no. 460) Oloosson (IACP no. 467) proxenia (1); politeia (1); praise (2); enktesis (2); asylia (1); publication clause (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: asphaleia);
                          I.Thess. 15 m.ii BC  Kierion (IACP no. 398) Rome
                          • Maarkos Perpenna, son of Leukios
                          • Maarkos Popillios, son of Gaios
                          • Kointos Paktomēios, son of Maarkos
                          • Leukios, son of Noulaios
                          publication clause (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                          IG IX 2 11 m.ii BC  Metropolis (IACP no. 403) Hypata (IACP no. 420) proxenia (1); politeia (1); publication clause (2); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: asphaleia);
                          IG V 2 367.1 m.ii BC  Magnesia (IACP p.688) Kleitor (IACP no. 276) foreign judge proxenia (1); praise (1); crown (1); asylia (2); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); xenia (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                          IG V 2 367.2 m.ii BC  Demetrias Kleitor (IACP no. 276) foreign judge proxenia (4); euergesia (1); praise (2); crown (1); ateleia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); xenia (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                          Polemon I (1929), p.120 m.ii BC  Oloosson (IACP no. 467) Demetrias foreign judge proxenia (2); politeia (1); praise (1); crown (1); enktesis (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); xenia (2); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: asphaleia; invitation to common hearth );
                          IG IX 2 1292 (SEG 56 648) m.ii BC  Oloosson (IACP no. 467) Rome
                          • Leukios Akoutios, son of Leukios
                          proxenia (2); politeia (2); praise (2); asylia (1); publication clause (2); all else given to proxenoi (2);
                          Cabanes, L'Épire 554, 33 (SEG 37 511) m.ii BC  Epirote koinon [PLACEMARKER] Brentesion/Brundisium (IACP no. 78) proxenia (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: asphaleia; enteleia);
                          IG XII 9 900B m.ii BC  Chalkis (IACP no. 365) Soloi (IACP no. 1021)
                          • Aristōn, son of Hērakleidēs
                          proxenia (1); euergesia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: asphaleia);
                          IG XII 9 902 m.ii BC  Chalkis (IACP no. 365)
                            proxenia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (2); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (2);
                            IG XII 9 902 m.ii BC  Chalkis (IACP no. 365)
                            • Polyxenos
                            proxenia (1); euergesia (3); enktesis (2); hereditary grant (1);
                            Knoepfler, Décrets érétriens no. A (Milet I 3) m.ii BC  Eretria (IACP no. 370) Miletos (IACP no. 854)
                            • Meniskos, son of Meniskos
                            • Apollodōros, son of Apollōnidēs
                            foreign judge
                            proxenia (1); praise (1); crown (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1); xenia (1); (other honours/comments: invitation to sacrifice at common hearth; asphaleia);
                            Knoepfler, Décrets érétriens no. B (SEG 11 468) m.ii BC  Eretria (IACP no. 370) Sparta/Lakedaimon (IACP no. 345) foreign judge proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1); crown (2); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); xenia (2); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                            IC II 15 2 m.ii BC  Hyrtakina (IACP no. 963) Teos (IACP no. 868) ambassador proxenia (1); praise (1); xenia (1);
                            Fouilles de Delphes III.1:48 m.ii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Megalopolis (IACP no. 282) poet/actor praise (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia and invitation to the prytaneion);
                            Fouilles de Delphes III.1:49 m.ii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Aigeira (IACP no. 230) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1); hereditary grant (1); specific description of services (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                            Fouilles de Delphes III.1:151 m.ii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Naupaktos (IACP no. 165) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: asphaleia; promanteia);
                            Fouilles de Delphes III.1:354 m.ii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Thebes (IACP no. 221) foreign judge proxenia (1); praise (1); ateleia (2); asylia (2); proedria (1); prodikia (2); hereditary grant (2); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
                            Fouilles de Delphes III.1:153 m.ii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Naupaktos (IACP no. 165) proxenia (1); politeia (1); praise (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
                            Fouilles de Delphes III.1:154 m.ii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Aigion (IACP no. 231) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); (other honours/comments: Also: asphaleia; promanteia);
                            SEG 2 283 m.ii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Elateia (IACP no. 180)
                            • Stratōn, son of Melannēs
                            proxenia (2); ateleia (1); enktesis (3); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (2); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                            SEG 2 270 m.ii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177)
                            • erased
                            proxenia (1); euergesia (1); politeia (1); praise (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: name of honorand apparently erased from this inscription in two places);
                            Fouilles de Delphes III.2:91 m.ii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Athens (IACP no. 361) proxenia (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
                            Fouilles de Delphes III.2:93 m.ii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Athens (IACP no. 361) proxenia (1); praise (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
                            SEG 2 269 m.ii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177)
                              proxenia (2); ateleia (2); asylia (2); proedria (1); xenia (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                              Fouilles de Delphes III.3:241 m.ii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Sardis proxenia (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (2); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); xenia (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                              Fouilles de Delphes III.3:242 m.ii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Sardis ambassador proxenia (1); praise (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); specific description of services (1); xenia (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
                              Fouilles de Delphes III.3:204 m.ii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Kranioi (IACP no. 125) proxenia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
                              Fouilles de Delphes III.3:125 m.ii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Aigion (IACP no. 231) musician proxenia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); specific description of services (1); xenia (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
                              Fouilles de Delphes III.3:126 m.ii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Aigion (IACP no. 231) musician proxenia (1); praise (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); hereditary grant (1); specific description of services (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
                              Fouilles de Delphes III.3:146 m.ii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Opous (IACP no. 261) foreign judge proxenia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); hereditary grant (1); xenia (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: ispoliteia; promanteia);