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proxenoi of this community attested proxenoi of this community attested
proxenoi attested at this community proxenoi attested at this community
Attestation Date of proxeny Granting community Context(/s) of proxenos proxenos Honours
Robert (1938), Études Épigraphiques et Philologiques p.14 i BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Rome
  • Dekmos Iounios, son of Dekmos
proxenia (3); praise (2); ateleia (1); enktesis (2); asylia (3); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); all else given to proxenoi (2); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
Robert (1938), Études Épigraphiques et Philologiques p.7f. f.i BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177)
  • Pop[lios?]
proxenia (1); praise (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (2); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
Robert, OMS I, p.436 no.1 iii BC  Temnos (IACP no. 832) Elaia (IACP no. 807) proxenia (1); politeia (1); ateleia (2); enktesis (1); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: Politeia with choice of phyle);
Robert, OMS II, pp.1178-9 no.38 f.ii BC  Tralleis (IACP no. 941) Phokaia (IACP no. 859)
    foreign judge
    proxenia (1); euergesia (3); praise (1); crown (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); eisodos (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: Public proclamation of crown at musical agon);
    SEG 1 163 f.i BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Tanagra (IACP no. 220)
    • [--], son of Kallippos
    proxenia (3); ateleia (2); asylia (3); proedria (1); prodikia (3); hereditary grant (3); all else given to proxenoi (2); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
    SEG 1 191 s.ii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Thebes (IACP no. 221) proxenia (2); praise (1); ateleia (2); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); (other honours/comments: Possibly also promanteia);
    SEG 1 192 iv/iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Corinth (IACP no. 227)
    • [--], son of Philoxenos
    proxenia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
    SEG 1 197 f.iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Charadra (IACP no. 175); koinon of the Phokians (IACP p.399-402;Phokikon)
    • Euxithemis, son of Euxenos
    proxenia (1); euergesia (1); ateleia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
    SEG 1 198 f.iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Teithronion (IACP no. 194); koinon of the Phokians (IACP p.399-402;Phokikon)
    • Xenocharēs, son of Dynatos
    • Phayllos, son of Euanthēs
    proxenia (1); euergesia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
    SEG 1 199 m.iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Elateia (IACP no. 180)
    • Patrōn, son of Eupolemos
    proxenia (1); euergesia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
    SEG 1 204 m.iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Thebes (IACP no. 221)
    • Charops, son of Epicharēs
    proxenia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
    SEG 1 207 m.iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Erythrai (IACP no. 845) proxenia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
    SEG 11 1051 s.iv BC  Tegea (IACP no. 297) Orchomenos (IACP no. 213) proxenia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (3); hereditary grant (1);
    SEG 11 400 + SEG 54 439 iv BC  Epidauros (IACP no. 348) Phleious (IACP no. 355) proxenia (1); euergesia (2); (other honours/comments: Granting authority restored in SEG 54 439 as Argive cleruchy at Epidauros (... τοῦ [δάμου Ἀργείων ἐν Ἐ]|πιδαύρωι κα[τοικούντων· ...]). );
    SEG 11 470 ii BC  Orchomenos (IACP no. 286) Sparta/Lakedaimon (IACP no. 345) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); crown (1); epinomia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: epixylia; golden crown to be awarded at the gymnastic agon of Nemea and public proclamation of crowning);
    SEG 11 974 i BC/i AD  Thouria (IACP no. 322) Sparta/Lakedaimon (IACP no. 345) proxenia (1); politeia (1); praise (1); proedria (1); publication clause (1); specific description of services (1); (other honours/comments: Proedria and propompeia at the mysteries with the community's hieromnemones; statue);
    SEG 12 218 iv/iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Sikyon (IACP no. 228) proxenia (1); ateleia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
    FD III 4 9 (SEG 12 219) iv/iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Asine (IACP no. 313) proxenia (1); theorodokia (1); ateleia (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
    Fouilles de Delphes III.4:11 (SEG 12 220) m.iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Messene/Ithome (IACP no. 318) proxenia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
    SEG 12 222 iv/iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177)
    • Mnasixenos
    proxenia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
    SEG 12 223 m.iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Sikyon (IACP no. 228) proxenia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
    SEG 12 301 iv/iii BC  unknown
      proxenia (3); all else given to proxenoi (2);
      SEG 12 390 ?300 BC  Chios (IACP no. 840) Naxos (IACP no. 507) foreign judge proxenia (1); politeia (1); praise (1); crown (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); proedria (2); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: public pronouncement of decree by a herald);
      SEG 12 390 ?300 BC  Chios (IACP no. 840) Andros (IACP no. 475) foreign judge proxenia (1); politeia (1); praise (1); crown (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); proedria (2); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); (other honours/comments: public proclamation of decree by herald);
      SEG 13 239 m. v BC  Argos (IACP no. 347) Oinous (IACP no. 338) proxenia (1);
      SEG 13 361 f.i BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Koroneia (IACP no. 210) proxenia (1); praise (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
      SEG 14 398a m.iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) koinon of the Macedonians/kingdom of Macedon proxenia (1); euergesia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia; asphaleia);
      SEG 14 398b m.iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Epidauros (IACP no. 348) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (2); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Probably also: promanteia; asphaleia);
      SEG 14 398c m.iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177)
      • Sannos, son of Anta[-]
      proxenia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (2); proedria (1); prodikia (2); hereditary grant (2); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
      SEG 14 400 iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Athens (IACP no. 361)
        proxenia (2); theorodokia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (2); hereditary grant (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia; asphaleia; epitima);
        SEG 14 401 f.iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Mytilene (IACP no. 798)
          proxenia (2); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1);
          SEG 14 403 m.iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Erythrai (IACP no. 845)
          • Pyth[--]
          proxenia (2); ateleia (1); asylia (2); proedria (2); prodikia (2); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
          SEG 14 405 iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Athens (IACP no. 361)
            proxenia (1); euergesia (1); asylia (2); proedria (1); prodikia (3); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (3); (other honours/comments: Probably also promanteia);
            IvO suppl. 7 (SEG 15 241) f.iv BC  Elis (IACP no. 251) Mende (IACP no. 584) proxenia (1);
            CID 4 17 (SEG 15 337) f.iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177)
              proxenia (2); euergesia (3); publication clause (1);
              SEG 16 255 c.170 BC  Argos (IACP no. 347) Rome
              • Gnaeus Octavius
              proxenia (1); euergesia (1); politeia (1); praise (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); specific description of services (1); (other honours/comments: References to general actions (on every occasion) and also specific service on addressing the Achaians in calling on them to preserve their frienship and alliance with the Romans. (This mission described in Polyb. 28.3, Livy 43.17.));
              FD III 1 394b (SEG 16 307) f.iv BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177)
                proxenia (2); euergesia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (2); hereditary grant (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
                SEG 16 312 m.iv BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Pharsalos (IACP no. 413)
                • [--], son of Alexandros
                proxenia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
                FD III 4 382 (SEG 16 315) s.iv BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) koinon of the Arkadians (sanctuary of Zeus Lykaios)
                • Thes[--]
                proxenia (1); theorodokia (3); ateleia (3); asylia (3); prodikia (3); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                SEG 16 319 f.iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Eretria (IACP no. 370) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); ateleia (1); proedria (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
                SEG 16 373 f.iii BC  Lamia (IACP no. 431) koinon of the Aitolians (Thermon) proxenia (1); politeia (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); epinomia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                SEG 17 141 iii BC  Argos (IACP no. 347) Megalopolis (IACP no. 282) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1);
                SEG 18 170 s.iv BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Athens (IACP no. 361) proxenia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
                FD III 5, p.321, n.1 (SEG 18 179) iv/iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Skotoussa (IACP no. 415); koinon of the Thessalians (Itonion) proxenia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (2); proedria (2); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
                SEG 18 180 s.iv BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Byzantion (IACP no. 674) proxenia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (2); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (2); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
                SEG 18 183 f.iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) koinon of the Phokians (IACP p.399-402;Phokikon); koinon of the Phokians (IACP p.399-402;Phokikon) proxenia (1); ateleia (1); proedria (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
                SEG 18 186 iii/ii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Rhodes (IACP no. 1000) proxenia (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
                SEG 18 188 s.ii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Hypata (IACP no. 420) proxenia (3); proedria (2); prodikia (1); all else given to proxenoi (2); (other honours/comments: Possibly also promanteia);
                SEG 18 189 ii/i BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Rome
                • Quintus Alfenus, son of Quintus
                proxenia (1); praise (1); hereditary grant (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
                SEG 18 190 f.i BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Antikyra (IACP no. 173)
                • [--], son of Menalkēs
                proxenia (2); praise (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Probably also promanteia);
                SEG 18 36 c.335/4-314 BC  Athens (IACP no. 361) proxenia (1);
                SEG 18 772 350-320 BC  Euesperides (IACP no. 1026) Syracuse (IACP no. 47) proxenia (1); hereditary grant (1);
                SEG 19 595 s.iv BC  Thasos (IACP no. 526) Olynthos (IACP no. 588) proxenia (1);
                SEG 2 184 m.ii BC  Tanagra (IACP no. 220) Athens (IACP no. 361) proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); xenia (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: asphaleia); proxenia (1); euergesia (1); praise (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); xenia (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: asphaleia);
                SEG 2 255 f.iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Megara (IACP no. 225) proxenia (2); proedria (3); hereditary grant (1);
                SEG 2 269 m.ii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177)
                  proxenia (2); ateleia (2); asylia (2); proedria (1); xenia (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                  SEG 2 270 m.ii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177)
                  • erased
                  proxenia (1); euergesia (1); politeia (1); praise (1); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: name of honorand apparently erased from this inscription in two places);
                  FD III 4 174 (SEG 2 278) s.ii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Hypata (IACP no. 420) proxenia (2); praise (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (2); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                  SEG 2 281 s.ii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Teithronion (IACP no. 194) foreign judge proxenia (1); praise (1); crown (1); ateleia (2); asylia (2); proedria (1); hereditary grant (2); stereotypical proxenos description (1); xenia (2); all else given to proxenoi (2); (other honours/comments: Also: isopoliteia; promanteia);
                  SEG 2 282 s.ii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Lilaia (IACP no. 185) foreign judge proxenia (1); praise (1); crown (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); hereditary grant (1); publication clause (1); epimeleia (1); specific description of services (1); xenia (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: isopoliteia; promanteia);
                  SEG 2 283 m.ii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Elateia (IACP no. 180)
                  • Stratōn, son of Melannēs
                  proxenia (2); ateleia (1); enktesis (3); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (2); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                  SEG 2 289 ii/i BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Neon/Tithorea (IACP no. 187)
                  • Eun[ikidas], son of [Eukra?]tēs
                  proxenia (1); praise (1); ateleia (1); asylia (2); proedria (2); prodikia (3); hereditary grant (3); all else given to proxenoi (2); (other honours/comments: Probably also promanteia);
                  SEG 23 279 + SEG 63 353 s.iii BC  Thebes (IACP no. 221) proxenia (1); euergesia (2); ateleia (1); enktesis (3); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: See SEG 63 353 for the attribution of this text to Thebes.);
                  SEG 23 286 s.iii BC  koinon of the Boiotians (sanctuary of Athena Itonia) Troizen (IACP no. 357)
                  • [-]thidēs, son of Diodoros
                  proxenia (1); euergesia (2); enktesis (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (2); stereotypical proxenos description (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: isoteleia);
                  SEG 23 287 s.iii BC  koinon of the Boiotians (sanctuary of Athena Itonia) Lamia (IACP no. 431)
                  • [-]leitos, son of Lysōn
                  proxenia (1); euergesia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: isotelia; asphalia);
                  SEG 23 288 s.iii BC  koinon of the Boiotians (sanctuary of Athena Itonia)
                    proxenia (2); euergesia (1); enktesis (2); hereditary grant (2); stereotypical proxenos description (1); (other honours/comments: isotelia);
                    SEG 23 289 s.iii BC  koinon of the Boiotians (sanctuary of Athena Itonia) Lysimacheia/Kardia (IACP no. 665)
                      proxenia (2); euergesia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (2); hereditary grant (2); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                      SEG 23 290 s.iii BC  koinon of the Boiotians (sanctuary of Athena Itonia)
                        proxenia (2); euergesia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (2); hereditary grant (2); stereotypical proxenos description (1); all else given to proxenoi (2);
                        SEG 23 291 s.iii BC  koinon of the Boiotians (sanctuary of Athena Itonia)
                          proxenia (3); euergesia (3);
                          SEG 23 292 s.iii BC  koinon of the Boiotians (sanctuary of Athena Itonia)
                          • Androk[--]
                          proxenia (2); euergesia (2); enktesis (1); asylia (2); hereditary grant (1); (other honours/comments: isoteleia);
                          SEG 23 293 s.iii BC  koinon of the Boiotians (sanctuary of Athena Itonia) Chalkis (IACP no. 365) proxenia (2); euergesia (2); enktesis (1); asylia (2); hereditary grant (2); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                          FD III 1 133 (SEG 23 307) iv/iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Mylasa (IACP no. 913) proxenia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
                          FD III 1 131 (SEG 23 310) m.iii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Abydos (IACP no. 765) proxenia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);
                          SEG 23 415 (BCH 88 [1964], p.401 n.1) s.v BC  Pherai (IACP no. 414) Opous (IACP no. 386) proxenia (1); asylia (1);
                          SEG 23 416 (BCH 88 [1964], p.403 n.3) s.v BC  Pherai (IACP no. 414) Proerna (IACP no. 441) proxenia (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1);
                          SEG 23 417 (BCH 88 [1964], p.402 n.2) v/iv BC  Pherai (IACP no. 414) Thebes (IACP no. 221) proxenia (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1);
                          SEG 23 418 (BCH 88 [1964], p.404 n.4) iv BC  Pherai (IACP no. 414)
                          • Praxitelēs
                          • Baukidēs
                          proxenia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (2); all else given to proxenoi (2);
                          SEG 23 419 (BCH 88 [1964], p.405 n.5) iv BC  Pherai (IACP no. 414) Skotoussa (IACP no. 415) proxenia (1); ateleia (2); asylia (2);
                          SEG 23 420 (BCH 88 [1964], p.406 n.6) iv BC  Pherai (IACP no. 414) Opous (IACP no. 386) proxenia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); prodikia (1);
                          SEG 23 422 (BCH 88 [1964], p.407 n.8) iv BC  Pherai (IACP no. 414) Thebai Pthiotis (IACP no. 444)
                            proxenia (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); epinomia (1); (other honours/comments: privileges extended to slaves of honorand);
                            SEG 23 423 (BCH 88 [1964], p.408 n.9) iv BC  Pherai (IACP no. 414)
                              proxenia (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1);
                              SEG 23 424 (BCH 88 [1964], p.409 n.10) iv BC  Pherai (IACP no. 414)
                                proxenia (3); asylia (2); epinomia (1); hereditary grant (2); (other honours/comments: asphaleia);
                                SEG 23 428 (BCH 88 [1964], p.411 n.13b) iv BC  Pherai (IACP no. 414)
                                  proxenia (1); hereditary grant (1);
                                  SEG 23 430 (BCH 88 [1964], p.412 n.13d) iv BC  Pherai (IACP no. 414)
                                    proxenia (2);
                                    SEG 23 551 ii/i BC  Olous (IACP no. 978) Rome
                                    • Gnaios Tudikios Aquila, son of Markos, of the tribe Horatia, husband of Megō
                                    • Megō, daughter of Dionysios, wife of Gnaios Tudikios Aquila
                                    proxenia (1); politeia (1); hereditary grant (1);
                                    SEG 24 379 (Syll.³ 189) iv BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Stymphalos (IACP no. 296) proxenia (2); ateleia (1); asylia (1); prodikia (2); hereditary grant (2); (other honours/comments: Probably also prormanteia);
                                    Cabanes, L'Épire 547,16 (SEG 24 448 s.iii BC  Epirote koinon [PLACEMARKER] koinon of the Boiotians (sanctuary of Athena Itonia) proxenia (1); politeia (1); ateleia (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: asphaleia; enteleia);
                                    Corinth 8.3.37 (with SEG 25 325) iii/ii BC  Corinth (IACP no. 227) Kalydon (IACP no. 148) proxenia (2); euergesia (3); hereditary grant (4);
                                    SEG 25 443 (BCH 38 [1914], p.451 n.1) m.iii BC  Orchomenos (IACP no. 286) Athens (IACP no. 361) proxenia (1); euergesia (2); ateleia (1); enktesis (1); asylia (2); epinomia (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                                    SEG 25 568 iv BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Athens (IACP no. 361) proxenia (3); euergesia (1);
                                    SEG 25 597 ii BC  Hyampolis (IACP no. 182) Larisa (IACP no. 401) foreign judge proxenia (2); enktesis (1); hereditary grant (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                                    SEG 25 598 ii BC  Hyampolis (IACP no. 182) Koroneia (IACP no. 210)
                                      proxenia (1); enktesis (1); all else given to proxenoi (1);
                                      SEG 25 653 ii BC  koinon of the Thessalians (Itonion) Ambrakia (IACP no. 113) proxenia (2); praise (1); publication clause (1); xenia (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: called to offer sacrifice to Athena);
                                      SEG 26 1222 f.iii BC  Halikarnassos (IACP no. 886) Alexandria
                                      • Leontiskos, son of Leōn
                                      proxenia (2); euergesia (1); politeia (3); praise (1); enktesis (1);
                                      SEG 26 1224 i BC  Halikarnassos (IACP no. 886)
                                        proxenia (1); euergesia (2); politeia (1); proedria (1); eisodos (1);
                                        RO 57 (IG VII 2418) hell.  Athens (IACP no. 361) proxenia (1);
                                        SEG 26 392 a.191 BC  Elis (IACP no. 251) Corinth (IACP no. 227) foreign judge proxenia (2); politeia (1); ateleia (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Invitation to the communal hearth; asphaleia);
                                        SEG 26 552 iii/ii BC  Koroneia (IACP no. 210) Corinth (IACP no. 227)
                                          proxenia (1); euergesia (1); ateleia (3); enktesis (1); asylia (1); hereditary grant (1);
                                          SEG 26 677 s.ii BC  Peparethos (IACP no. 511) Larisa (IACP no. 401) foreign judge proxenia (1); crown (1); enktesis (1); proedria (2); eisodos (2); xenia (2); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: asphaleia);
                                          SEG 27 124 s.ii BC  Delphi (IACP no. 177) Myania (IACP no. 164) proxenia (1); praise (1); ateleia (1); asylia (1); proedria (1); prodikia (1); hereditary grant (1); stereotypical proxenos description (1); all else given to proxenoi (1); (other honours/comments: Also: promanteia);